Westie Club History
This club is the result of a merger of two clubs. The first group, known as the West Highland White Terrier Club of Illinois, disbanded after two specialty shows in 1948 and then reactivated in May 1962 with Mrs. Mary Kay Fischer as president. The second group, the Land of Lincoln West Highland White Terrier Club incorporated in the same area in October, 1967, led by Peggy Haas as President. After the memberships approved the merger and a name change, the West Highland White Terrier Club of Northern Illinois, was incorporated in May, 1968. Al Fischer was president and Peggy Haas was vice-president. Dorothy Hardcastle, designed our club’s logo and newsletter the “Highlights”. The West Highland White Terrier Club of Northern, Illinois held its first specialty show on June 3, 1973, and hosted the National Roving Specialty in June 1972, June 1992 and June 2006.
(Historical Information provided by: Daphne Gentry and the WHWTCA 2000 yearbook.)