AKC Sanctioned Events
Sanctioned Conformation & Obedience Matches
Matches are held to give members the experience of and practice in competition; they are run as a Dog Show or Obedience Trial but on a smaller scale. Training during the match is allowed.
Annual Specialty Show
Our club has hosted an Annual Specialty Dog Show and Puppy Sweepstakes for over 30 years. Currently, it is held in conjunction with the Great Lakes All Terrier Association on the third weekend in June at the Lake County Fair Grounds in Grayslake, IL.
Earth Dog Test
Our first Earth Dog test was held September 4, 2000. Since then we have held our tests on the Monday of Labor Day Weekend. Ours is the third test in a 3-day weekend where the Saturday & Sunday events are sponsored by the Madison Area Dachshund Club.
Earthdog testing has a rich history, with its beginnings in 1971. It officially became an AKC program in October, 1994. Today, its a very popular sport among terrier and dachshund enthusiasts. The sport develops your dog’s “natural aptitude and trained hunting and working behaviors when exposed to an underground working situation.” This is carried out by the dog following a scented trail to and through an underground tunnel where it will hunt for its prey – a caged rat! Earthdog tests are non-competitive and are based on your dog’s instincts. Read more about it on the AKC website, at: https://www.akc.org/sports/earthdog.
There are four groups of participation: Introduction to Quarry, Junior Earthdog, Senior Earthdog and Master Earthdog. All AKC registered or Purebred Alternative Listing (PAL) dogs and bitches age 6 months or older are eligible to participate.